
Culture matters.

Teaching works.

The purpose of our work is to re-establish caring, compassionate relationships through racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity training. The goal of our work is to empower leaders to shape the culture of their organization through Connection, Community, and Compassion.

Historically, the values of White-dominant culture in America have been founded upon individualism, competition, and high performance as a means of determining one’s value to society. Conversely cultures of color draw their strength from the values of collectivism, harmony, and identity, who one is as opposed to how one performs, as a means of determining one’s value to society. These opposing value systems have bred separation between White cultures and cultures of color in the United States and continue to breed separation in the fabric of our nation.

Remington Holt Consulting seeks to repair that fabric through tedious, intentional, and practical work around Racial and Cultural identity in America. We work with majority White-dominant organization leaders to help them establish a strong understanding of White culture and how it has impacted their own identity, as well as the identity of their organization, with the ultimate goal of preparing the organizations to become more culturally responsive and compassionate toward diverse staff, clients, and community partners.

Culture is learned and thereby, can be un-learned and reshaped to meet the needs of people. We welcome you along on our journey to create a more cohesive, compassionate, and inclusive America. In fact, we can’t do it without you.


Remington Holt
Founder & CEO, Remington Holt Consulting